Understanding the Right Business or Career Path for You
Welcome to my first blog post. I'm still figuring out my focus for what type of content I want to put out but for now today I want to dive into a topic that's crucial for both entrepreneurs and those considering a career change: finding the right business or career path. Let's break down this process into 6 steps that can help you navigate this important decision with clarity and confidence.
Write it down
Everything is clearer when you write it down. Start by writing down the opportunities you have. What business opportunities have been presented to you? Is there anything you have an idea for? Write down at least 5 on a sheet of paper. This also works if you're looking to decide on a new career path and have trouble deciding. This was really helpful for me when trying to identify what new thing I was going to try.
Everything is clearer when you write it down. Start by writing down the opportunities you have. What business opportunities have been presented to you? Is there anything you have an idea for? Write down at least 5 on a sheet of paper. This also works if you're looking to decide on a new career path and have trouble deciding. This was really helpful for me when trying to identify what new thing I was going to try.
List the pros and cons
The next step is to write down what you like and don't like about each of these options. Cons can include; an oversaturated market, long investment periods such as college or training or something as simple as not having a huge interest or having to wake up extra early. Pros can be it's something you are already knowledgeable and good at, it pays well or there is a huge market demand. Try to list as many as you can; those with more cons than pros cross them out. It takes much more psychic energy to do something you hate than something you love.
The next step is to write down what you like and don't like about each of these options. Cons can include; an oversaturated market, long investment periods such as college or training or something as simple as not having a huge interest or having to wake up extra early. Pros can be it's something you are already knowledgeable and good at, it pays well or there is a huge market demand. Try to list as many as you can; those with more cons than pros cross them out. It takes much more psychic energy to do something you hate than something you love.
Your weaknesses and strengths
This is where things get interesting. Next, you're going to identify your core strengths. What are you good at and what skills have you learned that can be an asset. Are your core strengths being able to speak to people, time management and being able to create social media content? Look at your weakness as well, are you shy and not tech-savvy? Take these things into account.
This is where things get interesting. Next, you're going to identify your core strengths. What are you good at and what skills have you learned that can be an asset. Are your core strengths being able to speak to people, time management and being able to create social media content? Look at your weakness as well, are you shy and not tech-savvy? Take these things into account.
Let's say you want to sell skin care products; are you knowledgeable in the industry and would you be able to identify a quality product and be able to sell it? You may like the idea of that business, but if you lack the knowledge or the ability to sell that product you may need to outsource, learn that skill or move on to the next. If any of your opportunities do not include your core strengths, cross them out.
Create a mission statement
Write a mission statement for each remaining opportunity. A mission statement can be simple, it is the reason for the business, it is the why. Include why your business exists, your goal and your target customers. For example, Microsoft's mission statement is "Our mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential by creating technology that transforms the way people work, play, and communicate."
For those looking to start a new career, write why you want to pursue this career. What did you do during your childhood that may have built interest in this career?
Align with your values
Do your values align with what it is you want to do or what you want this business to be? Do you care about being creatively fulfilled? If this business venture requires you to constantly come up with creative ideas and content then you need to be sure it aligns with you. Similarly, if this opportunity requires you to be competitive but you're not, then you need to explore something else. You need to be honest with yourself. Pick the top 3 which feel like they reflect what you value.
Worst-case scenario
Hopefully, at this point, you have managed to narrow things down to a maximum of 3 opportunities. Your final step is going to be a little scary. You now need to imagine what would be the worst-case scenario if this opportunity does not work out. Feel free to be as pessimistic as possible, would you be in debt? Lose a few hundred dollars? Lose a lot of precious time? Explore the what-ifs. When you have done that cross out the opportunities which have consequences you would not be able to manage and live with. Cross out that job where if Ai were to replace it tomorrow you won't have any alternatives in that career field to pivot to. Do not rely on how much money an opportunity will make you. Think about how much you can lose and if you are okay with it.
In conclusion, choosing the right business or career path requires thoughtful consideration and self-awareness. Use these steps as a guide to navigate towards a path that offers both professional success and personal fulfillment. Stay tuned for more insights and tips as we explore more topics together on this journey!
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